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Donovon’s Handsome HANG out

So, if you recall a month or so ago, I dropped a little hint about which room is next up on Instagram. But maybe you are new to our account so I can give you a speed recap! We started redoing our 3 kids’ rooms a few months ago. I mean, why NOT do three kids rooms in sequence? Oh goodness…it has been a project. Starting with Khloe’s room refresh! These rooms started going off the rails from the word “GO” as we realized how uneven our ceilings were and went from wanting to hang crown to having to float down a whole ceiling. (We can talk about that project another day.) Back to why this room is THE ONE for the fall One Room Challenge!

  • Khloe’s room, effectively 90% of the way done (minus her closet)

  • Tessa’s room is getting the final touches (more to post on that soon!)

  • So…naturally that leaves—Donovon’s room next!

And what better than a gift of a special fresh space to my only son-shine as my first One Room Challenge! (Disclosure: At age 11, he may read this in 7 years and hate me for calling him my SONshine…but he is!!)

If you want a quick-hitter, fast-speed 28 second video of all 3 kids’ room refreshes to summarize the design directions for each—here you go! Also, this is what I would sound like as a chipmunk.

I have done the quintessential “purge phase” from his room and have piled, sorted and Marie Kondo’d my way to a point where I feel like I could move in some more permanent pieces WHILST we go through this design process. If I play my cards right, he might only have to sleep in Tessa’s room a few days out of the whole makeover.

Purge phase and overall room layout pictured above. The final image has some permanent pieces moved in (including his new bed and chair.)

This space has been through a couple beds and hand-me down dressers but large-in-part, the color and overall design (including those Ikea wall stickers) have been the same since I first his room together nearly 10 years ago. So, although what you are seeing his is a hot mess of ripping things out, know that it has gone through some delightful iterations in the past has been relatively put together for some time. UNTIL NOW.

The handsome room update will include some of the pieces seen here. I have moved in some of the furniture so it is livable for him during this transition.

Okay, deep breath—and lets get started on this 8 week journey together, shall we? What’s in store you ask? What can you plan to see in my updates? Let me get to it:

  • Tall bead board across the whole room

  • Paint

  • Brick accents!

  • Built-in library area & desk (he is a huge reader!)

  • Wiring new lights from the ceiling (never done that before)

  • Furnishings & decor

  • Window treatments & trimmings

  • Possible vanity bathroom update (depending on time)

  • A fun detail to add a pop of color in the adjoining Jack n’ Jill water closet that you see from his room

  • Do I dare say new carpet? Might be too over the top—you’re right, but it’s on my “possible splurges” list

Although some of the furnishings/main pieces are already moved into the room, I will make sure to highlight these pieces and sources in the weeks ahead. I won’t intentionally skip one detail; promise!

Below is a collective color pallet of our home. I have pulled the rich neutrals and blues into the design for Donovon’s space. At 11, I want him to feel comfortable, grown up and relaxed in here with staple pieces and colors that will transition with him as he gets beyond middle school.

Ok! That’s the plan! Send me a note and let me know what you think! @GreyDomain on Instagram or comment below with what questions you have or the elements you are excited to see come together! Also, make sure you check out all of the other Guest Participants and their designs for the Fall ORC Challenge, sponsored by Better Homes and Gardens HERE!

PS: not to worry, if you were one of the people who guessed that I was doing the We-Shed or Living Room as the Fall ORC makeover…don’t worry! Just you wait, my friend. Just you wait.


Week 2|Fall One Room Challenge


“Knock knock“ my top 9 door KnockEr finds